2024-25 Final Tryout Information
The Boulder Thunderbirds will be holding its final organized tryout for our 2024-25 9U-14U teams on Tuesday, August 27, from 6:00-7:30pm at the Aurora 7 Fields in Boulder.
​No pre-registration is required -- we look forward to meeting you there!
Winter Practices begin Jan 13!
Our indoor practices this winter will start this week, the week of January 13, and we are planning that they will run seven weeks, through the week of February 24, with the last practice on Thursday, February 27. Practices will be at Fairview's Walnut Indoor Hitting Facility, 3825 Walnut Street in Boulder.
Players will rotate with their teams through stations during practice. This year, we are excited to have professional guest coaches who will be working with our players for part of practice most of the scheduled nights! We are able to do this thanks to funds raised in the fall Hit-a-Thon, which will also support our scholarship efforts, so thanks to everyone who participated. Congrats to our top fundraising teams, 12U and 13U, and our top fundraising players, Kingston Dwyer, Mason Werner, Wyatt Patrick, Henry Clark, Dylan Green, and Sebastian Dunlap!
Frequently asked questions:
- What if my player has a conflict with one of their scheduled nights? As mentioned, we chose nights to minimize conflicts, but some are inevitable. We hope that families can find compromises, e.g. if your player has twice weekly basketball practice too and one night conflicts, they can alternate coming to T-Birds and basketball. If your player has a weekly conflict with one of their scheduled nights that is non-negotiable, let your team manager know, and they can try to make arrangements with an adjacent age group's coach so that your player can practice with that team on a different night.
- What should my player wear/bring to practice? Players should dress comfortably in athletic wear; shorts or long pants are okay. Players should wear sneakers, not cleats or spikes. They should bring their glove, bat, helmet, and a water bottle.

9U - Mondays and Tuesdays 5-7pm
10U - Mondays and Thursdays 5-7pm
11U - Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-7pm
12U - Mondays and Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm *see exception below
13U - Mondays and Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm
14U - Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm *see exception below
*For this week (Jan 13) only, 12U will practice Tuesday and Thursday 6:30-8:30, and 14U will practice Monday and Tuesday 6:30-8:30, so that those teams' coaches can be at the initial practice.
End of Fall Party
November 5, 2023
We'll have our end of the fall season party next Sunday, November 5, from 12 to around 3 at Martin Park. It looks like it will warm up again by then; remember to set your clocks back the night before! Please feel free to join us even if your player didn't play this fall; especially for new players, this is a great time to meet teammates and other families. We'll have some softball going on the field and will have burgers, veggie burgers, and hot dogs on the grill. Please bring a drink, side dish, or dessert.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Fall 2023 League Schedule & Call for Volunteers
Sept 7, 2023
Longmont Baseball League - Fall: Posted Schedules (longmontbaseball.org). Late Registration for 9u-14u "free agent" players - please email: bouldertbirds@gmail.com.
Also... we are looking for volunteers! The way we keep this great organization running smoothly and keep it affordable for all families is through an amazing volunteer board and group of coaches. In particular, we are looking for additional coaches for our new 9U/10U teams, a new treasurer, a new vice president, a uniform coordinator, team parents/social chairs, and any other skills you can offer. We work hard to make the time commitment for our volunteers fit anyone's schedule. Our board meetings are usually monthly over beer and fries at the Dark Horse Pub.

[Boulder Thunderbirds]Â Supplemental Tryouts
August 28, 2023
Boulder Thunderbirds supplemental tryouts are this Thursday 5:30-6:30 Aurora 7 Park baseball fields.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Fall 2023 Baseball
August 27, 2023
Congrats to our new 9u-14u 2023-2024 squads, we're honored to have all our returning players, and we're excited to have our new players as part of the Thunderbirds family! Fall baseball practices start soon (coaches to provide more info) for those who chose to play baseball this fall with Boulder Thunderbirds; we have 11u-13u teams that will play in the Longmont Baseball League starting in September. Winter training will begin in late Jan 2023 with spring tournaments starting in March.
Late Registration for "free agents" - please email: bouldertbirds@gmail.com
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023-2024Â Season Team Invitations
August 18, 2023
Thanks so much to everyone who attended this week's tryouts. We had a great turnout and will be sending out invitations to new players to join the T-birds family starting this weekend. There will likely be a waitlist at various age levels.
Late registration for "free agents" will be by private tryout only; please email bouldertbirds@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Makeup 9u-14u Tryouts for 2023-2024 season - August 15th
August 13, 2023
Makeup tryout date: If you missed the 8/13 tryouts, we will have a makeup date on Tues Aug 15th, 5-8pm, at Aurora 7 Park east ball field (behind the High Peaks Elementary School parking lot in south Boulder).
After August 15th, "free agents" will be by private tryout only; please email bouldertbirds@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023-2024Â Season Tryouts - August 13th
June 1, 2023 (Updated July 25, 2023)
Tryouts for the 2023-24 Thunderbirds teams will be on Sunday, August 13th from 2-6p, with a makeup date of Tuesday, August 15th from 5-8p. Registration onsite at Aurora 7 East ballfield in Boulder. No online pre-registration.
Current players do not need to try out again, but please email your coach by Aug 7th if you are not planning to play next year so we know how many spots we need to fill.
We are also planning on having new 9U and 10U teams, so please let potentially interested players and families know.
BONUS: We will have skills clinics starting ~4:00p on Sunday, as well as a BBQ.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 Liberty Blast July 1-2 CABA Tournament
July 2, 2023
The 10U Thunderbirds capped off a great year by making it to the finals in the Liberty Blast tournament. On Sunday, they won an eight-inning nailbiter, and despite a last-inning comeback, they came up a few runs short in their championship game, finishing second.
This team played great all year and will be a force to contend with in the future.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] End-of-Spring Season Celebration
June 1, 2023
We will hold a celebration of the Tbirds season Sunday, June 11 from 5-8pm. The Wood Family has been generous enough to offer us use of their pool, and there are tennis courts and large grass field there as well. We will supply hot dogs, burgers, and veggie burgers to grill; please bring a side dish, drink, or dessert and please park on Pawnee or Mohawk, not in one of the cul-de-sacs.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Boulder Valley Baseball Summer Camp for Incoming HS Freshman & Rising 8th Graders
May 14, 2023
Fairview High School and Boulder High School are thrilled to bring you a combined summer camp to help prepare rising 8th and 9th graders for high school baseball. More info here: Fairview Baseball - Summer Camps (google.com)
[Boulder Thunderbirds] Boulder Collegians looking for Host Families
April 17, 2023
The Best Baseball Team You’ve Never Heard Of - Boulder Collegians (5280 Magazine).
Boulder Collegians need host families for the 2023 season. This is a great way to impact a players life and get involved with baseball. Commitment from late May through Aug 1. Learn more @ www.bouldercollegians.com or contact Tony Ruoco.
[Boulder Thunderbirds]
Dinner Fundraiser with the Boulder Collegians.
April 17, 2023
Join us Tuesday, April 18 at Smashburger at the 29th Street Mall.
Help raise money for the Collegians while also enjoying delicious food! On April 18th, Smashburger at 29th Street Mall in Boulder is donating 20% of all meals bought in the name of the Boulder Collegians for the entire day. All you need to do is say that you are with the Boulder Collegians when you put your order in. You can dine in or take out, as long as you do it by phone or in person. Remember to say that you are with the Boulder Collegians when you do so.
Head Coach Tony Rouco, GM Paul Parker, Collegians players Braden Thomson and Sean Connelly, and several board members will be there at 5 pm that day to meet and greet any fans who wish to join us for dinner. See you there. Pass it on!
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 Michael & Cora Betts Legacy (one day) CABA Tournament
April 8, 2022
They did it again - championship finalist! As the #1 seed in the 14U AA Pool A division, the T-birds came up a few runs short in the championship game, losing 12-2 to the BYBSA Brighton Blaze. In their qualifying games, they outscored their opponents 38-7. Keep the hit parade rolling! #skothunderbirds
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 Luck of the Irish March 18-19 CABA Tournament
March 19, 2023
As the #5 seed (of 9) in the 14U Rockies division, the T-birds came up just short in the championship game, losing 8-7 to the Elizabeth Cardinals. Great results early in the season for T-bird Nation, congrats! #skothunderbirds
[Boulder Thunderbirds] SBLL Opening Day 2023
March 6, 2023
South Boulder Little League Opening Day is Saturday April 8th from 10am-3pm at the Aurora 7 fields. The tentative schedule is:
10am - Minors Games
12 noon - Player Parade (Tee-ball, Rookies, Minors, Majors, Intermediates, and Juniors)
1pm - Majors Games
10am - 3pm Hot dogs, Snack Shack, Sweet Cow MooMobile, Skills Games, Team Photos, Visit from Dinger, and Tee Shirts
[Boulder Thunderbirds] T-bird gear
February 20, 2023
We have Tbirds fan gear and a link to Warstic bats on our website now, including the T-shifts, hoodies, and hats we offered to family members in the fall, plus additional items. Please take a look if you'd like to buy items now to have during the tournament season. The more items that are ordered, the lower the price. These make great gifts for friends and family. Order deadline is March 17th.
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 SPRING TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE
February 4, 2023
10U: April 22-23, April 29-30, May 13-14
11U: April 15-16, April 29-30, May 13-14, May 27-28
12U: March 18-19, April 15-16, May 6-7, May 20-21, June 10-11
13U: April 15-16, April 29-30, May 13-14, May 27-28, June 10-11
14U: March 4-5, March 18-19, April 8 (one-day tournament), April 22-23, May 6-7, May 13-14, May 27-28, June 10-11, June 23-25 (Mountain Tournament)
[Boulder Thunderbirds] Winter Indoor practice
January 15, 2023
Thunderbird 2023 Indoor Workouts:
Monday & Thursday evenings, Balch Fieldhouse 1/23 - 3/16.
Balch Fieldhouse is on the CU-Boulder campus next to Folsom Field. The entrance is off of Colorado Avenue; parking is available across the street in Lot 360.
Practice time will be 6:00-8:00p for most practices; the exception is the first four Mondays (January 23, January 30, February 6, February 13), when it will be 5:30-7:30 because the CU track team has it reserved starting at 7:30.
Optional batting practice will be held on Wednesdays 6-7:30 from Feb 1 - Mar 15 at D-BAT NW Denver. Sign up early!
For more information about D-BAT memberships and facilities, see https://dbatnwdenver.com/index.php/pricing

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Sponsorship Program
January 1, 2023
Happy New Year! Two ways anyone can help support our program:
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice (i.e. Boulder Thunderbirds). UDPATE: The AmazonSmile customer-directed donation program will permanently shut down on February 20, 2023.
Local Business donations - contact Matt Patrick

Winter Practices begin Jan 22
January 17, 2024
Players should wear sneakers, not cleats, for practices at both indoor facilities (Pro Performance and Balch Fieldhouse) this winter.
We have insurance forms that need to be signed for each player. We have one form per team (two for 11U since it's a larger group); please try to sign when you are dropping off or picking up your player. If you are carpooling, don't worry, just sign as soon as you can.
Pro Performance is a new facility for us; the coaches have worked to plan practice utilizing this space, but please bear with us as we get used to it this first week. Our first priority is to keep all the players safe, especially with hitting and pitching machines being used.
January 22 through February 15: Pro Performance Baseball, Longmont
- Mondays 5-7pm (official practice 5:15-6:45; note earlier time): 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U
- Wednesdays 6-8pm (official practice 6:15-7:45): 10U, 11U, 13U, 14U
- Thursdays 6-8pm (official practice 6:15-7:45): 9U, 12U, 13U, 14U
February 19 through March 14: Balch Fieldhouse, Boulder
- Mondays 6-8pm: 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U
- Wednesdays 6-8pm: 10U, 11U, 13U, 14U
- Thursdays 6-8pm: 9U, 12U, 13U, 14U

Pro Performance is run by Brandon Heath, a former player in the San Francisco Giants organization who has done clinics with us in the past and coached with us this fall. We realize it's further away for most families, though, so we ask that players attend as much as they can the first few weeks, at least one practice per week (two if possible!). In addition, we'll have the facility for two hours each night, but the official practice will run for 90 minutes as above to accommodate families who need more time to get there or get home. We'll have an extended warmup and activities at the end for everyone able to be there the whole time. We encourage families to carpool to minimize any inconvenience of transport up to Longmont.
If your player has a conflict through which they can't attend any weeks on one of their assigned days, please let us know, as we may be able to have them attend another day with an adjacent age group. If the conflict is just occasional nights, don't worry about switching.
[Boulder Thunderbirds] Fall 2023 League Schedule & Call for Volunteers
Sept 7, 2023
Longmont Baseball League - Fall: Posted Schedules (longmontbaseball.org). Late Registration for 9u-14u "free agent" players - please email: bouldertbirds@gmail.com.
Also... we are looking for volunteers! The way we keep this great organization running smoothly and keep it affordable for all families is through an amazing volunteer board and group of coaches. In particular, we are looking for additional coaches for our new 9U/10U teams, a new treasurer, a new vice president, a uniform coordinator, team parents/social chairs, and any other skills you can offer. We work hard to make the time commitment for our volunteers fit anyone's schedule. Our board meetings are usually monthly over beer and fries at the Dark Horse Pub.

[Boulder Thunderbirds]Â Supplemental Tryouts
August 28, 2023
Boulder Thunderbirds supplemental tryouts are this Thursday 5:30-6:30 Aurora 7 Park baseball fields.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Fall 2023 Baseball
August 27, 2023
Congrats to our new 9u-14u 2023-2024 squads, we're honored to have all our returning players, and we're excited to have our new players as part of the Thunderbirds family! Fall baseball practices start soon (coaches to provide more info) for those who chose to play baseball this fall with Boulder Thunderbirds; we have 11u-13u teams that will play in the Longmont Baseball League starting in September. Winter training will begin in late Jan 2023 with spring tournaments starting in March.
Late Registration for "free agents" - please email: bouldertbirds@gmail.com
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023-2024Â Season Team Invitations
August 18, 2023
Thanks so much to everyone who attended this week's tryouts. We had a great turnout and will be sending out invitations to new players to join the T-birds family starting this weekend. There will likely be a waitlist at various age levels.
Late registration for "free agents" will be by private tryout only; please email bouldertbirds@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Makeup 9u-14u Tryouts for 2023-2024 season - August 15th
August 13, 2023
Makeup tryout date: If you missed the 8/13 tryouts, we will have a makeup date on Tues Aug 15th, 5-8pm, at Aurora 7 Park east ball field (behind the High Peaks Elementary School parking lot in south Boulder).
After August 15th, "free agents" will be by private tryout only; please email bouldertbirds@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023-2024Â Season Tryouts - August 13th
June 1, 2023 (Updated July 25, 2023)
Tryouts for the 2023-24 Thunderbirds teams will be on Sunday, August 13th from 2-6p, with a makeup date of Tuesday, August 15th from 5-8p. Registration onsite at Aurora 7 East ballfield in Boulder. No online pre-registration.
Current players do not need to try out again, but please email your coach by Aug 7th if you are not planning to play next year so we know how many spots we need to fill.
We are also planning on having new 9U and 10U teams, so please let potentially interested players and families know.
BONUS: We will have skills clinics starting ~4:00p on Sunday, as well as a BBQ.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 Liberty Blast July 1-2 CABA Tournament
July 2, 2023
The 10U Thunderbirds capped off a great year by making it to the finals in the Liberty Blast tournament. On Sunday, they won an eight-inning nailbiter, and despite a last-inning comeback, they came up a few runs short in their championship game, finishing second.
This team played great all year and will be a force to contend with in the future.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] End-of-Spring Season Celebration
June 1, 2023
We will hold a celebration of the Tbirds season Sunday, June 11 from 5-8pm. The Wood Family has been generous enough to offer us use of their pool, and there are tennis courts and large grass field there as well. We will supply hot dogs, burgers, and veggie burgers to grill; please bring a side dish, drink, or dessert and please park on Pawnee or Mohawk, not in one of the cul-de-sacs.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Boulder Valley Baseball Summer Camp for Incoming HS Freshman & Rising 8th Graders
May 14, 2023
Fairview High School and Boulder High School are thrilled to bring you a combined summer camp to help prepare rising 8th and 9th graders for high school baseball. More info here: Fairview Baseball - Summer Camps (google.com)
[Boulder Thunderbirds] Boulder Collegians looking for Host Families
April 17, 2023
The Best Baseball Team You’ve Never Heard Of - Boulder Collegians (5280 Magazine).
Boulder Collegians need host families for the 2023 season. This is a great way to impact a players life and get involved with baseball. Commitment from late May through Aug 1. Learn more @ www.bouldercollegians.com or contact Tony Ruoco.
[Boulder Thunderbirds]
Dinner Fundraiser with the Boulder Collegians.
April 17, 2023
Join us Tuesday, April 18 at Smashburger at the 29th Street Mall.
Help raise money for the Collegians while also enjoying delicious food! On April 18th, Smashburger at 29th Street Mall in Boulder is donating 20% of all meals bought in the name of the Boulder Collegians for the entire day. All you need to do is say that you are with the Boulder Collegians when you put your order in. You can dine in or take out, as long as you do it by phone or in person. Remember to say that you are with the Boulder Collegians when you do so.
Head Coach Tony Rouco, GM Paul Parker, Collegians players Braden Thomson and Sean Connelly, and several board members will be there at 5 pm that day to meet and greet any fans who wish to join us for dinner. See you there. Pass it on!
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 Michael & Cora Betts Legacy (one day) CABA Tournament
April 8, 2022
They did it again - championship finalist! As the #1 seed in the 14U AA Pool A division, the T-birds came up a few runs short in the championship game, losing 12-2 to the BYBSA Brighton Blaze. In their qualifying games, they outscored their opponents 38-7. Keep the hit parade rolling! #skothunderbirds
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 Luck of the Irish March 18-19 CABA Tournament
March 19, 2023
As the #5 seed (of 9) in the 14U Rockies division, the T-birds came up just short in the championship game, losing 8-7 to the Elizabeth Cardinals. Great results early in the season for T-bird Nation, congrats! #skothunderbirds
[Boulder Thunderbirds] SBLL Opening Day 2023
March 6, 2023
South Boulder Little League Opening Day is Saturday April 8th from 10am-3pm at the Aurora 7 fields. The tentative schedule is:
10am - Minors Games
12 noon - Player Parade (Tee-ball, Rookies, Minors, Majors, Intermediates, and Juniors)
1pm - Majors Games
10am - 3pm Hot dogs, Snack Shack, Sweet Cow MooMobile, Skills Games, Team Photos, Visit from Dinger, and Tee Shirts
[Boulder Thunderbirds] T-bird gear
February 20, 2023
We have Tbirds fan gear and a link to Warstic bats on our website now, including the T-shifts, hoodies, and hats we offered to family members in the fall, plus additional items. Please take a look if you'd like to buy items now to have during the tournament season. The more items that are ordered, the lower the price. These make great gifts for friends and family. Order deadline is March 17th.
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 SPRING TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE
February 4, 2023
10U: April 22-23, April 29-30, May 13-14
11U: April 15-16, April 29-30, May 13-14, May 27-28
12U: March 18-19, April 15-16, May 6-7, May 20-21, June 10-11
13U: April 15-16, April 29-30, May 13-14, May 27-28, June 10-11
14U: March 4-5, March 18-19, April 8 (one-day tournament), April 22-23, May 6-7, May 13-14, May 27-28, June 10-11, June 23-25 (Mountain Tournament)
[Boulder Thunderbirds] Winter Indoor practice
January 15, 2023
Thunderbird 2023 Indoor Workouts:
Monday & Thursday evenings, Balch Fieldhouse 1/23 - 3/16.
Balch Fieldhouse is on the CU-Boulder campus next to Folsom Field. The entrance is off of Colorado Avenue; parking is available across the street in Lot 360.
Practice time will be 6:00-8:00p for most practices; the exception is the first four Mondays (January 23, January 30, February 6, February 13), when it will be 5:30-7:30 because the CU track team has it reserved starting at 7:30.
Optional batting practice will be held on Wednesdays 6-7:30 from Feb 1 - Mar 15 at D-BAT NW Denver. Sign up early!
For more information about D-BAT memberships and facilities, see https://dbatnwdenver.com/index.php/pricing

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Sponsorship Program
January 1, 2023
Happy New Year! Two ways anyone can help support our program:
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice (i.e. Boulder Thunderbirds). UDPATE: The AmazonSmile customer-directed donation program will permanently shut down on February 20, 2023.
Local Business donations - contact Matt Patrick

Winter Practices begin Jan 22
January 17, 2024
Players should wear sneakers, not cleats, for practices at both indoor facilities (Pro Performance and Balch Fieldhouse) this winter.
We have insurance forms that need to be signed for each player. We have one form per team (two for 11U since it's a larger group); please try to sign when you are dropping off or picking up your player. If you are carpooling, don't worry, just sign as soon as you can.
Pro Performance is a new facility for us; the coaches have worked to plan practice utilizing this space, but please bear with us as we get used to it this first week. Our first priority is to keep all the players safe, especially with hitting and pitching machines being used.
January 22 through February 15: Pro Performance Baseball, Longmont
- Mondays 5-7pm (official practice 5:15-6:45; note earlier time): 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U
- Wednesdays 6-8pm (official practice 6:15-7:45): 10U, 11U, 13U, 14U
- Thursdays 6-8pm (official practice 6:15-7:45): 9U, 12U, 13U, 14U
February 19 through March 14: Balch Fieldhouse, Boulder
- Mondays 6-8pm: 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U
- Wednesdays 6-8pm: 10U, 11U, 13U, 14U
- Thursdays 6-8pm: 9U, 12U, 13U, 14U

Pro Performance is run by Brandon Heath, a former player in the San Francisco Giants organization who has done clinics with us in the past and coached with us this fall. We realize it's further away for most families, though, so we ask that players attend as much as they can the first few weeks, at least one practice per week (two if possible!). In addition, we'll have the facility for two hours each night, but the official practice will run for 90 minutes as above to accommodate families who need more time to get there or get home. We'll have an extended warmup and activities at the end for everyone able to be there the whole time. We encourage families to carpool to minimize any inconvenience of transport up to Longmont.
If your player has a conflict through which they can't attend any weeks on one of their assigned days, please let us know, as we may be able to have them attend another day with an adjacent age group. If the conflict is just occasional nights, don't worry about switching.
End of Fall Party
November 5, 2023
We'll have our end of the fall season party next Sunday, November 5, from 12 to around 3 at Martin Park. It looks like it will warm up again by then; remember to set your clocks back the night before! Please feel free to join us even if your player didn't play this fall; especially for new players, this is a great time to meet teammates and other families. We'll have some softball going on the field and will have burgers, veggie burgers, and hot dogs on the grill. Please bring a drink, side dish, or dessert.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Fall 2023 League Schedule & Call for Volunteers
Sept 7, 2023
Longmont Baseball League - Fall: Posted Schedules (longmontbaseball.org). Late Registration for 9u-14u "free agent" players - please email: bouldertbirds@gmail.com.
Also... we are looking for volunteers! The way we keep this great organization running smoothly and keep it affordable for all families is through an amazing volunteer board and group of coaches. In particular, we are looking for additional coaches for our new 9U/10U teams, a new treasurer, a new vice president, a uniform coordinator, team parents/social chairs, and any other skills you can offer. We work hard to make the time commitment for our volunteers fit anyone's schedule. Our board meetings are usually monthly over beer and fries at the Dark Horse Pub.

[Boulder Thunderbirds]Â Supplemental Tryouts
August 28, 2023
Boulder Thunderbirds supplemental tryouts are this Thursday 5:30-6:30 Aurora 7 Park baseball fields.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Fall 2023 Baseball
August 27, 2023
Congrats to our new 9u-14u 2023-2024 squads, we're honored to have all our returning players, and we're excited to have our new players as part of the Thunderbirds family! Fall baseball practices start soon (coaches to provide more info) for those who chose to play baseball this fall with Boulder Thunderbirds; we have 11u-13u teams that will play in the Longmont Baseball League starting in September. Winter training will begin in late Jan 2023 with spring tournaments starting in March.
Late Registration for "free agents" - please email: bouldertbirds@gmail.com
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023-2024Â Season Team Invitations
August 18, 2023
Thanks so much to everyone who attended this week's tryouts. We had a great turnout and will be sending out invitations to new players to join the T-birds family starting this weekend. There will likely be a waitlist at various age levels.
Late registration for "free agents" will be by private tryout only; please email bouldertbirds@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Makeup 9u-14u Tryouts for 2023-2024 season - August 15th
August 13, 2023
Makeup tryout date: If you missed the 8/13 tryouts, we will have a makeup date on Tues Aug 15th, 5-8pm, at Aurora 7 Park east ball field (behind the High Peaks Elementary School parking lot in south Boulder).
After August 15th, "free agents" will be by private tryout only; please email bouldertbirds@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023-2024Â Season Tryouts - August 13th
June 1, 2023 (Updated July 25, 2023)
Tryouts for the 2023-24 Thunderbirds teams will be on Sunday, August 13th from 2-6p, with a makeup date of Tuesday, August 15th from 5-8p. Registration onsite at Aurora 7 East ballfield in Boulder. No online pre-registration.
Current players do not need to try out again, but please email your coach by Aug 7th if you are not planning to play next year so we know how many spots we need to fill.
We are also planning on having new 9U and 10U teams, so please let potentially interested players and families know.
BONUS: We will have skills clinics starting ~4:00p on Sunday, as well as a BBQ.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 Liberty Blast July 1-2 CABA Tournament
July 2, 2023
The 10U Thunderbirds capped off a great year by making it to the finals in the Liberty Blast tournament. On Sunday, they won an eight-inning nailbiter, and despite a last-inning comeback, they came up a few runs short in their championship game, finishing second.
This team played great all year and will be a force to contend with in the future.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] End-of-Spring Season Celebration
June 1, 2023
We will hold a celebration of the Tbirds season Sunday, June 11 from 5-8pm. The Wood Family has been generous enough to offer us use of their pool, and there are tennis courts and large grass field there as well. We will supply hot dogs, burgers, and veggie burgers to grill; please bring a side dish, drink, or dessert and please park on Pawnee or Mohawk, not in one of the cul-de-sacs.

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Boulder Valley Baseball Summer Camp for Incoming HS Freshman & Rising 8th Graders
May 14, 2023
Fairview High School and Boulder High School are thrilled to bring you a combined summer camp to help prepare rising 8th and 9th graders for high school baseball. More info here: Fairview Baseball - Summer Camps (google.com)
[Boulder Thunderbirds] Boulder Collegians looking for Host Families
April 17, 2023
The Best Baseball Team You’ve Never Heard Of - Boulder Collegians (5280 Magazine).
Boulder Collegians need host families for the 2023 season. This is a great way to impact a players life and get involved with baseball. Commitment from late May through Aug 1. Learn more @ www.bouldercollegians.com or contact Tony Ruoco.
[Boulder Thunderbirds]
Dinner Fundraiser with the Boulder Collegians.
April 17, 2023
Join us Tuesday, April 18 at Smashburger at the 29th Street Mall.
Help raise money for the Collegians while also enjoying delicious food! On April 18th, Smashburger at 29th Street Mall in Boulder is donating 20% of all meals bought in the name of the Boulder Collegians for the entire day. All you need to do is say that you are with the Boulder Collegians when you put your order in. You can dine in or take out, as long as you do it by phone or in person. Remember to say that you are with the Boulder Collegians when you do so.
Head Coach Tony Rouco, GM Paul Parker, Collegians players Braden Thomson and Sean Connelly, and several board members will be there at 5 pm that day to meet and greet any fans who wish to join us for dinner. See you there. Pass it on!
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 Michael & Cora Betts Legacy (one day) CABA Tournament
April 8, 2022
They did it again - championship finalist! As the #1 seed in the 14U AA Pool A division, the T-birds came up a few runs short in the championship game, losing 12-2 to the BYBSA Brighton Blaze. In their qualifying games, they outscored their opponents 38-7. Keep the hit parade rolling! #skothunderbirds
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 Luck of the Irish March 18-19 CABA Tournament
March 19, 2023
As the #5 seed (of 9) in the 14U Rockies division, the T-birds came up just short in the championship game, losing 8-7 to the Elizabeth Cardinals. Great results early in the season for T-bird Nation, congrats! #skothunderbirds
[Boulder Thunderbirds] SBLL Opening Day 2023
March 6, 2023
South Boulder Little League Opening Day is Saturday April 8th from 10am-3pm at the Aurora 7 fields. The tentative schedule is:
10am - Minors Games
12 noon - Player Parade (Tee-ball, Rookies, Minors, Majors, Intermediates, and Juniors)
1pm - Majors Games
10am - 3pm Hot dogs, Snack Shack, Sweet Cow MooMobile, Skills Games, Team Photos, Visit from Dinger, and Tee Shirts
[Boulder Thunderbirds] T-bird gear
February 20, 2023
We have Tbirds fan gear and a link to Warstic bats on our website now, including the T-shifts, hoodies, and hats we offered to family members in the fall, plus additional items. Please take a look if you'd like to buy items now to have during the tournament season. The more items that are ordered, the lower the price. These make great gifts for friends and family. Order deadline is March 17th.
[Boulder Thunderbirds] 2023 SPRING TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE
February 4, 2023
10U: April 22-23, April 29-30, May 13-14
11U: April 15-16, April 29-30, May 13-14, May 27-28
12U: March 18-19, April 15-16, May 6-7, May 20-21, June 10-11
13U: April 15-16, April 29-30, May 13-14, May 27-28, June 10-11
14U: March 4-5, March 18-19, April 8 (one-day tournament), April 22-23, May 6-7, May 13-14, May 27-28, June 10-11, June 23-25 (Mountain Tournament)
[Boulder Thunderbirds] Winter Indoor practice
January 15, 2023
Thunderbird 2023 Indoor Workouts:
Monday & Thursday evenings, Balch Fieldhouse 1/23 - 3/16.
Balch Fieldhouse is on the CU-Boulder campus next to Folsom Field. The entrance is off of Colorado Avenue; parking is available across the street in Lot 360.
Practice time will be 6:00-8:00p for most practices; the exception is the first four Mondays (January 23, January 30, February 6, February 13), when it will be 5:30-7:30 because the CU track team has it reserved starting at 7:30.
Optional batting practice will be held on Wednesdays 6-7:30 from Feb 1 - Mar 15 at D-BAT NW Denver. Sign up early!
For more information about D-BAT memberships and facilities, see https://dbatnwdenver.com/index.php/pricing

[Boulder Thunderbirds] Sponsorship Program
January 1, 2023
Happy New Year! Two ways anyone can help support our program:
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice (i.e. Boulder Thunderbirds). UDPATE: The AmazonSmile customer-directed donation program will permanently shut down on February 20, 2023.
Local Business donations - contact Matt Patrick